Page name: The Fallen Palace [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2012-03-29 09:00:42
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The Fallen Kingdom, The Fallen Kingdom-Characters, High King and Queen




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By the way, did I mention we're in Germany?

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2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette looked around her room and noticed some mess. She frowned and knew Alucard would yell at her which she hated. She started tidying up her room as fast as she could because she could feel Alucard coming to her room.

"You aren't scrawny, my lady."Faye said softly.

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: "...Next time you attempt to water plants, make sure the water stays in the DAMN POT! I'm sick of having you idiots waste my money on replacing these carpets!!" Alucard ruffled his hair angrily; some how making the mess on his head look intentional as he knocked on his ward's door.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: [I vote fist one! :D]

Yvette sighed softly, she knew Alucard is in a very bad mood. She walked over to the door and opened it."What's wrong, my lord? You look angry." She frowned softly.

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Sweet, we have a winner :D]

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: [Kewl :) ]

Alucard faced her, the same dark scowl on his face as he shook his head. "Don't even get me started again... First my damned Bride to be, now these useless servants. if it weren't for the fact this place needs a lot of maintenance, I'd kill them all and put them out of My misery." He peeked in at her room and rose a brow. "Well... At least you tried."

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: "We'll get those peasants whipped into shape soon enough. But at least two good things happen, I arrived with gifts and I cleaned my room."Yvette smiled.

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob walked down the hall in his finest...Black pants, black silk shirt, and a black coat over that. He wasn't exactly creative in the color of his clothes. Black didn't stain, which meant when he 'ruined' one of the shirts given to him, it didn't show. "All you can ask for from a woman is her trying." He said as he came upon his Lord and Yvette.

Sahiri looked at her and smiled, "I am too my dear Faye... I can't keep any weight on lately.. I almost look like my twelve year old self." She said with slightly wide eyes, "All knees and elbows."

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: He started to respond but stopped. Alucard sighed and offered his arm to Yvette. "As if you have met many women, Jacob." the tone was almost demeaning, but it was a joke and delivered in a way that those closest to him knew was his version of making a funny.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette chuckled as she took Alucard's arm.She has missed the banter between Jacob and Alucard.

Faye shook her head."You are perfection."

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob smirked a little, "Are we counting meals?" He asked with both brows slightly raised.

"You're too sweet, too good." Sahiri sighed at her reflection as she applied some powder to her face so that it was all a consistent color, and the bruise only showed by the slight swelling that could be spotted with her head turned just the right angle. "I don't like who I become when Alucard is around. I'm plotting against my groom to be, and to destroy my own home..." She applied some color to her lips and then stood, "My only hope is that once the stress is removed, he and I will settle into a routine that makes it so neither of us has to handle the other." I will see you tomorrow, don't wait up until after the party, you know how long they can last.."

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: Preparations for the party were nearly complete. Well respected and noble men and women were showing up in small clusters as appetizers and snack meats were brought out to momentarily silence the brewing hunger most guests arrived with. The ever growing volume of people and amount of conversing bellowed through most of the lower portion of the castle already

He place his free hand in the side pocket of his jacket and strolled off to the balcony that overlooked the entry way and most of the greater hall. The scents wafting off of each person; human and other wise made his senses run amuck, like a child on a playground.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette followed him to the balcony."I think you've out done yourself, my lord. It's lovely."She whispered softly.

Faye nodded a little."Stay safe, my lady." She said softly and hugged her tightly.

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Jacob went to the railing and stared down at the guests, "I smell some interesting people." He said softly, grinning a little, "But I promise not to eat anyone." He turned to join the party below.

Sahiri hugged her tightly, "Always." She reassured her before slipping on some shoes to match the dress, seeing as Alucard would probably drag her upstairs by her hair if she left them off.. Again..

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: "I would only feed on the ones that don't wreak of elf or rotting garbage..." both his focus and mind went to figuring out who all and come and how to arrange entertainment. "It's only a distraction for the chaos that is still brewing beyond these walls." Alucars looked to The woman he so 'lovingly' adopted. "I suggest you enjoy it for the both of us"

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Yvette smiled at Alucard."I shall." Her eyes scanned the guests, she was looking for food but also some fun. She glanced at Alucard."Anyone you want me to pay special attention to?"

Faye nodded a little as she watched Sahiri with worry.

2012-05-01 [Sonya Blue]: Xena shrugged "being in the city doesn't bother me, it's the people in the city..."

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri left her room and started walking down the hall, pausing only once she'd gotten to the top of the stairs. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. She listened closely to the conversations below, but if she knew anyone, she couldn't pick their voice out of the crowd.

Jacob cast a glance at Sahiri and where she'd frozen in place. He shook his head a little and started down the stairs and to the guests. He greeted a few that he knew, making a beeline to a group he almost considered friends, if he had any such thing.

2012-05-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Faye cleaned Sahiri's room, she knew how much of a clean freak Alucard was....not that she would say it to his face unless she wanted to die. Once she was done cleaning the room, she thought to herself, I'll clean Alucard's room. Hopefully that will keep him happy for a short amount of time but he could get very angry about it. She thought as she walked down the hallway.

2012-05-01 [MadHatress]: Alucard looked around carefully, trying to find someone that could be used in his favor if something were to happen to them. He smirked as he looked past Sahiri. "There is a man wearing a green frock and black pants. He's a duke from another country that has more than pissed me off on one occasion."

She nodded at Xena and stepped back with a sigh. "Yeah, the woods are a better place to call home" with a sigh she began to turn away. "I should probably go make sure city dwellers aren't taking wood from my shed again. Maybe I'll see you around again."

2012-05-01 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sahiri glanced to Jacob before she started down the stairs. She looked at all of the people there, wondering who some of them were, others she had met briefly when her parents had gatherings.

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